Suddenly those dreams were shattered on a hill called Golgotha near Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified on a crude wooden cross, as religious leaders of that day shouted hearty approval. 突然那些梦想都破灭在靠近耶路撒冷的一座名为各各他的山上,在那里耶稣被钉在一简陋的木头十字架上,在那天各个宗教领袖都赞成地叫喊著。
So now Jerusalem has become like the Israelite camp talked about in Exodus, and Jesus is the sacrifice who was sacrificed on the cross outside the walls of Jerusalem. 所以现在耶路撒冷变成了,《出埃及记》中所说的以色列营地,耶稣则是在耶路撒冷城墙外的,被钉在十字架上的献祭品。